I just joined Facebook and MySpace, because the job search books tell me that I am supposed to. I decided that I needed to try them both out, at least, before I finished those questions on theHiringSurvey.
I didn't really think this through, though. It turns out that once you join you start reconnecting with old friends. It's not that I don't want to reconnect. I just didn't work that into my writing schedule, which is already behind.
So here's a short catch-up on the Miller family, for all of my old friends from Graham, ETBU, NOBTS, New Orleans, and beyond.
Christy and I got married one week after graduation. One week later we moved to New Orleans to attend seminary. We both attended classes and worked part time for the first 18 months. We didn't see much of each other and we were running out of money. So we decided that I would stop taking class and work full time, and then when Christy got her degree (in Counseling) she would go to work full time and put me through.
Then Max came along. Christy didn't finish her degree and I couldn't figure out how to pay for Seminary. So we moved to Austin, where Christy's brother was established and could help us get on our feet.
I got a good job at a software startup with dreams of internet riches. Jet came along. Lincoln showed up. And then Georgia surprised us.
Christy is as beautiful as ever, but a little camera shy. She didn't like that jacket, but this is the only recent dressed-up picture I could find of her.
Max is in 6th grade. He excels at math and reading. He loves to cook (and eat.) He's just about to outgrow all of his toys. He's taller than Christy and can wear my pants. His feet have outgrown mine--he handed down a pair of shoes to me recently. Max is an extrovert and loves being around people, especially his Grandma.
Jet is in 3rd grade. He has all of the struggles of a middle child--constantly trying to compete with his older brother and not big enough to be a ton of help with the little ones. Jet is an introvert. He tries to imitate Max and be outgoing, but then he gets worn out and has to come hide at home for some alone time. He's a great reader and a fantastic memorizer.
Lincoln is 3. He is our daredevil. He literally climbs the door posts. He was doing that while he was still in his diapers. He is sweet and tender-hearted. He just melts every time Georgia steals his toy. But falling off the trampoline doesn't hardly phase him. He plays hard and makes loud motor noises for every activity. And then he runs out of steam and goes to sleep wherever.
Georgia is 2. She is still figuring out who she is. She's mostly potty-trained. She can play by herself, but she greatly prefers to have people close at hand--sometimes too close for Lincoln's taste. Anything that you are playing with looks like great fun, and she is liable to take it away from you. You'll be her best friend if you will let her sit in your lap while you read her a few books.
Christy home-schools the kids. I mostly try to stay out of the way of that.
I was at Journyx for over 10 years before I got laid off (I'm not allowed to say why I was laid off...). We never got that internet money. But I learned a lot and made some good friends. I got some patents and lots of good experience. No hard feelings.
We have a little savings, and so I'm burning some of that while I decide what I want to do next. I feel like I want to write. I'm hoping to get at least one book finished before I have to go back and get a real job. And then if/when that books sells I might be able to come back to writing full-time.
We're attending Grace Bible Church in north Austin. It's a wonderful place to learn scripture and be challenged to action.
Please drop me a line at william.randy.miller(at)gmail.com and let me know how you are doing.
10 Friday AM Reads
48 minutes ago
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