So let me clarify my position here:
- God created the heavens and the earth.
- I understand the young earth and old earth creationist arguments, and I think that it is a significantly less important issue than the core truth that He created it. If you put a gun to my head and forced a decision, I would say that I think the earth is probably as old as archeologists think it is. My God is big enough for that.
- Scientists believe in the geological data. They do not believe in what the Bible says about the beginnings of the earth.
- If I am going to credibly discuss the problems with the theory of global warming with the scientists who believe in the theory, then I have to debate the data that they believe.
- These scientists have cherry-picked their data and performed a number of other unscientific mistakes. They are behaving more like a cult than truly open-minded scientists. And they are making more money off of this alarmist hype then they ever could from clear-headed fair science.
- I can see many holes in their data and logic, and if given a chance I think myself and other clear-headed folks could temper the alarms and move public opinion towards more fair policies.
- I believe that humans are causing some global warming.
- I believe that the planet has natural systems in place that both cause and counter-act both warming and cooling.
- I haven't seen anything to lead me to believe that man-made global warming will overcome and the earth's natural heating and cooling systems to cause unmitigated catastrophe.
- The ice core data does indicate that we have an 8-degree cooling event coming soon--over a period of about 3,000 years the planet will cool 8-degrees and stay near that new normal for most of the next 100,000 years.
- If you believe in a young earth you should also believe that God carefully placed the ice core data there and gave humans the reasoning facilities to read it; and so He is warning us about the natural patterns of warming and cooling that He built into this planet.
- Because of the behavior of the cult of global warming, we are actually ignoring the real threat to modern civilization--that coming 8-degree cooling.
- I could definitely be wrong about any of the above scientific opinions. But the cult of global warming is squashing the open and honest discussions of the data, and so I can't get my skeptical questions answered. The only choice they will give me is to turn off my brain and drink their cool-aid. I cannot do that.
- My whole purpose in talking about this topic is to try to return the discussion to open, civil, scientific discourse.
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